With a small gesture, together
we can do great things

In 2016, we started a project called Teaming with the hope of being able to take our cause even further and help those animals in particularly vulnerable situations.


“Teaming” is a platform that aims to help raise funds for social causes. Subscribers donate just €1 each month, until they decide to unsubscribe, as no bank commission is charged and there are no administration fees, nor extra charges or management fees.

With just a small gesture, together we can do great things

If you want to help us in our cause, you can join our Teaming by clicking on the following link

In 2016, we started a project our Teaming with the hope of being able to take our cause even further and help those animals in particularly vulnerable situations.

People have joined the cause
+ 0
Euros raised
+ 0

Since then, many people have joined the cause and help us to take on the high veterinary expenses involved in these types of cases: hospitalization in clinics, surgical interventions, long term treatments, specific veterinary tests, etc.

This year we hope to go even further and help more animals in need to have the opportunity to live the life they always deserved. Although the number of abandoned animals is still too high, we want to be a source of hope for all those animals that today feel lonely and lost, that are sick, that have been abandoned, mistreated, forgotten… because we know that, with your help, we can change their lives.

All of these animals have been saved thanks to our Teamers.

We want to share with you all those lives that have been saved thanks to the help of our Teamers and we hope we can count on your help to save those that are waiting for us

Rómulo y Balú

Rómulo was losing a lot of hair for no apparent reason, after several tests an allergy was detected. Balú had stopped eating and had a blockage in his stomach and had to undergo emergency surgery.


Vomiting, diarrhea, apathy, something was wrong. She underwent emergency surgery for an intestinal obstruction that had perforated her intestine, she had to cut a piece of it.


He lost one eye and has severe optic nerve problems in the other. She needed treatment and an operation to try and regain vision in the eye that she could still get.


A large lump appeared on his neck, possibly due to an old trauma. She has needed several interventions and treatments to heal and get the wound closed.


He had severe ear problems and a ruptured eardrum. It was necessary to operate on him so that the daily pain that he suffered ceased. Now he no longer suffers from his ear and has a better quality of life.


He suffered a stomach torsion and had to undergo emergency surgery. He was hospitalized for several days due to the difficult recovery he had from the operation.

Kim, Kourtney y Kyle

Three puppies that suffered from parvovirus. We hospitalized them to try to get them ahead and fortunately all three of them succeeded. Now they enjoy a happy life.

Olivia y Tina

Tina arrived in critical condition and needed surgery to rebuild her inner ear. Olivia was rescued from the street malnourished. She also had several tumors removed.


Abandoned by his owners at the age of 10, blind in one eye and nearly blind in the other. They didn’t walk him and his muscles were undeveloped, we also removed a tumor.