


La cara de Thor lo define perfectamente.
Es un perrito super alegre y simpático. Muy gracioso y un poco trasto. Disfruta cada caricia y juego que se le da y es feliz conociendo y jugando con otros perros. Es un gordito paticorto muy feliz y sabe transmitir esa felicidad a los demás. A veces se puede poner un poco pesado cuando se encapricha con un perro para jugar y decide que tiene que ser su amigo pero al final todos se rinden a sus encantos.

Si estás interesado en conocerlo puedes leer la información sobre el proceso de adopción y rellenar el formulario:

  • Animal Perros
  • Sex Macho
  • Measures Mediano
  • Age Adulto
  • Status Adoptado
  • Color Marrón y blanco
  • Race Mestizo
  • Birth 06/2016
  • Entry 01/2023

If Thor has been adopted we have other animals that need your solidarity, select their name or let us select them for you.

Apadrinado por: Aranzazu Fernández, Arantxa Fernández


All you need to know about integrating a new member into your family
Our shelter houses animals that have been abandoned and even mistreated. They deserve to find a family and a stable and definitive home in this second chance.
It is important that people who are interested in sharing their life with an animal know how we look for the most suitable families for each of our dogs and cats.
It is not always possible to have an animal at home.
Sometimes, due to space problems or lack of time, it is impossible to have a pet in our home.
n these cases, we offer the possibility of sponsoring one of our dogs or cats. Your name will appear on the animal’s file on our website and you will be able to visit it by appointment.